Iowa Hawkeye Jack Brownlee gives his definitive, tell-all interview

This conversation with Jack Brownlee is the epitome of why we created this show. Our friend Jack is the Iowa High School all-time assists leader out of our very own Saint Edmond High School in Fort Dodge, IA. At 6'0'' 160lbs, Jack grinded and persevered when he turned down scholarships out of high school to play JUCO basketball, to become a walk-on in the Big 10 conference, to finally become a scholarship athlete and meaningful role player under Coach Steve Alford.

In this tell-all conversation Jack brings us his unfiltered college basketball stories that are pure gold. These include the time Coach Alford schooled his players in a pickup game, how scout team practice is actually "method acting," why the handshake line is dumb, and how a white guy can survive in a black guy's sport (including the secret that Doug McDermott and Kyle Korver figured out).